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Sometimes you need to freshen things up a bit, like swapping colors, super-sizing your text, or revisiting your dark mode selection, all of which you can do in your settings.
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Masculine Mind @MasculineMind_ • 8h
Don't let hard times break you. Let them shape you. Your hardest times can be the foundation for your greatest successes. Confront the challenges the comes your way and use them to make you stronger.
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- 47
- 2,098

Name cannot be blank @hackSultan • 3h
Techiessssss just RT to mark attendance tonight..... and tell me where you're learning from.
- 96
- 259
- 317
- 11.8k

Shashi Lo @shashiwhocodes • 1h
If you don't understand something, do not be shy to ask for help after you've tried to find a solution.
It's ok not to be ok. Everything will be alright.
- 8
- 26
- 644

LeadDev @TheLeadDev • 1h
The way your team builds software matters. bit.ly/3NkiN8u

- 1
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- 47
- 2,098

Àgbà Akin @kynsofficial • Apr 23
Elon Musk and Jack didn't sign NON-COMPLETE? because the Bluesky is copycat of Twitter.
- 64
- 176
- 1,653
- 190.3k

Shreya Trivedi @_Shreya_Trivedi • 21h
Learn javascript before React
- 94
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- 768
- 61.9k

Madza👨💻⚡ @madzadev • 11h
HTML tip 💡
The lazy attribute specifies whether a browser should load an image immediately or to defer loading of off-screen
images until, for example, the user scrolls near them ✨

- 4
- 28
- 179
- 13k